Parsing and constructing queries

This is the core of the library. A parser and the syntax tree definition.


The Lucene Query DSL parser based on PLY

luqum.parser.parser = <ply.yacc.LRParser object>

This is the parser generated by PLY

Note: The parser by itself is not thread safe (because PLY is not). Use luqum.thread.parse() instead


luqum.thread.parse(input=None, lexer=None, debug=False, tracking=False)

A (hopefully) thread safe version of luqum.parser.parse()

PLY is not thread safe because of its lexer state, but cloning it we can be thread safe. see: https://github.com/jurismarches/luqum/issues/72


Elements that will constitute the parse tree of a query.

You may use these items to build a tree representing a query, or get a tree as the result of parsing a query string.

class luqum.tree.Item(pos=None, size=None, head='', tail='')

Base class for all items that compose the parse tree.

An item is a part of a request.

  • pos (int) – position of element in orginal text (not accounting for head)

  • size (int) – size of element in orginal text (not accounting for head and tail)

  • head (str) – non meaningful text before this element

  • tail (str) – non meaningful text after this element


clone an item, but not its children !

This is particularly useful for the visitor.TreeTransformer pattern.


kwargs (dict) – those item will be added to __init__ call. It’s a simple way to change some values of target item.

property children

As base of a tree structure, an item may have children


return (start, end) position of this element in global expression.


head_tail (bool) – should span include head and tail of element ?

class luqum.tree.NoneItem(pos=None, size=None, head='', tail='')

This Item is a place holder, think to it as None.

It can be used, eg. to initialize an element childrens, until we feed in the real children.

luqum.tree.NONE_ITEM = NoneItem()

an instanciation of NoneItem, as it is always the same

class luqum.tree.SearchField(name, expr, **kwargs)

Indicate wich field the search expression operates on

eg: desc in desc:(this OR that)

  • name (str) – name of the field

  • expr – the searched expression

class luqum.tree.BaseGroup(expr, **kwargs)

Base class for group of expressions or field values


expr – the expression inside parenthesis

class luqum.tree.Group(expr, **kwargs)

Group sub expressions

class luqum.tree.FieldGroup(expr, **kwargs)

Group values for a query on a field

class luqum.tree.Range(low, high, include_low=True, include_high=True, **kwargs)

A Range

  • low – lower bound

  • high – higher bound

  • include_low (bool) – wether lower bound is included

  • include_high (bool) – wether higher bound is included

class luqum.tree.Term(value, **kwargs)

Base for terms


value (str) – the value

Return bool

True if value is the wildcard *


list wildcards contained in value and their positions


split term on wildcards

Return bool

True if value contains a wildcards

class luqum.tree.Word(value, **kwargs)

A single word term


value (str) – the value

class luqum.tree.Phrase(value, **kwargs)

A phrase term, that is a sequence of words enclose in quotes


value (str) – the value, including the quotes. Eg. '"my phrase"'

class luqum.tree.Regex(value, **kwargs)

A regex term, that is a sequence of words enclose in slashes


value (str) – the value, including the slashes. Eg. '/my regex/'

class luqum.tree.BaseApprox(term, degree=None, **kwargs)

Base for approximations, that is fuzziness and proximity

class luqum.tree.Fuzzy(term, degree=None, **kwargs)

Fuzzy search on word

  • term (Word) – the approximated term

  • degree – the degree which will be converted to decimal.Decimal.

class luqum.tree.Proximity(term, degree=None, **kwargs)

Proximity search on phrase

  • term (Phrase) – the approximated phrase

  • degree – the degree which will be converted to int().

class luqum.tree.Boost(expr, force, **kwargs)

A term for boosting a value or a group there of

  • expr – the boosted expression

  • force – boosting force, will be converted to decimal.Decimal

class luqum.tree.BaseOperation(*operands, **kwargs)

Parent class for binary operations are binary operation used to join expressions, like OR and AND


operands – expressions to apply operation on

property children

children are left and right expressions

class luqum.tree.BoolOperation(*operands, **kwargs)

Lucene Boolean Query.

This operation assumes that the query builder can utilize a boolean operator with three possible sections, must, should and must_not. If the UnknownOperationResolver is asked to resolve_to this operation, the query builder can utilize this operator directly instead of nested AND/OR. This also makes it possible to correctly support Lucene queries such as: “apples +bananas -vegetables”.

class luqum.tree.UnknownOperation(*operands, **kwargs)

Unknown Boolean operator.


This is used to represent implicit operations (ie: term:foo term:bar), as we cannot know for sure which operator should be used.

Lucene seem to use whatever operator was used before reaching that one, defaulting to AND, but we cannot know anything about this at parsing time…

See also

the utils.UnknownOperationResolver to resolve those nodes to OR and AND

class luqum.tree.OrOperation(*operands, **kwargs)

OR expression

class luqum.tree.AndOperation(*operands, **kwargs)

AND expression

luqum.tree.create_operation(cls, a, b, op_tail=' ')

Create operation between a and b, merging if a or b is already an operation of same class

  • a – left operand

  • b – right operand

  • op_tail – tail of operation token

class luqum.tree.Unary(a, **kwargs)

Parent class for unary operations


a – the expression the operator applies on

class luqum.tree.UnaryOperator(a, **kwargs)

Base class for unary operators

class luqum.tree.Plus(a, **kwargs)

plus, unary operation

class luqum.tree.Not(a, **kwargs)
class luqum.tree.Prohibit(a, **kwargs)

The negation

class luqum.tree.OpenRange(a, include=True, **kwargs)

A range with only one bound.

  • a – the provided bound value

  • include (bool) – whether a is included

class luqum.tree.From(a, include=True, **kwargs)
class luqum.tree.To(a, include=True, **kwargs)

Transforming to Elastic Search queries


class luqum.elasticsearch.schema.SchemaAnalyzer(schema)

An helper that analyze ElasticSearch schema, to give you suitable options to use when transforming queries.


schema (dict) – the index settings as a dict.


return all known subfields


return options suitable for luqum.elasticsearch.visitor.ElasticsearchQueryBuilder


class luqum.elasticsearch.visitor.ElasticsearchQueryBuilder(default_operator='should', default_field='text', not_analyzed_fields=None, nested_fields=None, object_fields=None, sub_fields=None, field_options=None, match_word_as_phrase=False)

Query builder to convert a Tree in an Elasticsearch query dsl (json)


there are some limitations

  • mix of AND and OR on same level in expressions is not supported has this leads to unpredictable results (see this article)

  • for full text fields, zero_terms_query parameter of match queries is managed at best according to where the terms appears. Lucene would just remove fields with only stop words while this query builder have to retain all expressions, even if is only made of stop words. So in the case of an expression appearing in AND expression, it will be set to “all” while it will be set to “none” if it’s part of a OR on AND NOT to avoid influencing the rest of the query. Some edge case like having all terms resolving to stop words may however lead to different results than string_query..

__init__(default_operator='should', default_field='text', not_analyzed_fields=None, nested_fields=None, object_fields=None, sub_fields=None, field_options=None, match_word_as_phrase=False)
  • default_operator – to replace blank operator (MUST or SHOULD)

  • default_field – to search

  • not_analyzed_fields – field that are not analyzed in ES (do not forget to include eventual sub fields)

  • nested_fields

    dict contains fields that are nested in ES each nested fields contains either a dict of nested fields (if some of them are also nested) or a list of nesdted fields (this is for commodity)

    exemple, a where record contains multiple authors, each with one name and multiple books. Each book has on title but multiple formats with on type each:

    'author': {
        'name': None,
        'book': {
            'format': ['type'],
            'title': None

  • object_fields – list containing full qualified names of object fields. You may also use a spec similar to the one used for nested_fields. None, will accept all non nested fields as object fields.

  • sub_fields – list containing full qualified names of sub fields. None, will accept all non nested fields or object fields as sub fields.

  • field_options (dict) – allows you to give defaults options for each fields. They will be applied unless, overwritten by generated parameters. For match query, the match_type parameter modifies the type of match query.

  • match_word_as_phrase (bool) – if True, word expressions are matched using match_phrase instead of match. This options mainly keeps stability with 0.6 version. It may be removed in the future.


some of the parameters above can be deduced from elasticsearch index configuration. see luqum.elasticsearch.schema.SchemaAnalyzer.query_builder_options()


Calling the query builder returns you the json compatible structure corresponding to the request tree passed in parameter


tree (luqum.tree.Item) – a luqum parse tree

Return dict

Naming and explaining matches


Support for naming expressions

In order to use elastic search named query, we need to be able to assign names to expressions and retrieve their positions in the query text.

This module adds support for that.

luqum.naming.NAME_ATTR = '_luqum_name'

Names are added to tree items via an attribute named _luqum_name

class luqum.naming.TreeAutoNamer(track_parents=False)

Helper for auto_name()


Given name, return next name

>>> tan = TreeAutoNamer()
>>> tan.next_name(None)
>>> tan.next_name('aZ')
>>> tan.next_name('azb')
visit_base_operation(node, context)

name is to be set on children of operations


visit the tree and add names to nodes while tracking their path

luqum.naming.auto_name(tree, targets=None, all_names=False)

Automatically add names to nodes of a parse tree, in order to be able to track matching.

We add them to top nodes under operations as this is where it is useful for ES named queries

Return dict

association of name with the path (as a tuple) to a the corresponding children

luqum.naming.matching_from_names(names, name_to_path)

Utility to convert a list of name and the result of auto_name to the matching parameter for MatchingPropagator

  • names (list) – list of names

  • name_to_path (dict) – association of names with path to children

Return tuple

(set of matching paths, set of other known paths)

luqum.naming.element_from_path(tree, path)

Given a tree, retrieve element corresponding to path

  • tree (luqum.tree.Item) – luqum expression tree

  • path (tuple) – tuple representing top down access to a child

Return luqum.tree.Item

target item

class luqum.naming.MatchingPropagator(default_operation=<class 'luqum.tree.OrOperation'>)

Class propagating matching to upper elements based on known base element matching


default_operation (luqum.tree.Item) – tells how to treat UnknownOperation. Choose between luqum.tree.OrOperation and luqum.tree.AndOperation

NEGATION_NODES = (<class 'luqum.tree.Not'>, <class 'luqum.tree.Prohibit'>)

A tuple of nodes types considered as NOT operations

NO_CHILDREN_PROPAGATE = (<class 'luqum.tree.Range'>, <class 'luqum.tree.BaseApprox'>)

A tuple of nodes for which propagation is of no use

OR_NODES = (<class 'luqum.tree.OrOperation'>,)

A tuple of nodes types considered as OR operations

class luqum.naming.ExpressionMarker(track_new_parents=False, **kwargs)

A visitor to mark a tree based on elements belonging to a path or not

One intended usage is to add marker around nodes matching a request, by altering tail and head of elements

mark_node(node, path, *info)

implement this in your own code, maybe altering the head / tail arguments

generic_visit(node, context)

Default visitor function, called if nothing matches the current node.

It simply clone node and children

class luqum.naming.HTMLMarker(ok_class='ok', ko_class='ko', element='span')

from paths that are ok or ko, add html elements with right class around elements

  • ok_class (str) – class for elements in paths_ok

  • ko_class (str) – class for elements in paths_ko

  • element (str) – html element used to surround sub expressions

mark_node(node, path, paths_ok, paths_ko, parcimonious)

implement this in your own code, maybe altering the head / tail arguments


luqum.visitor: Manipulating trees

Base classes to implement a visitor pattern.

class luqum.visitor.TreeVisitor(track_parents=False)

Tree Visitor base class.

This class is meant to be subclassed, with the subclass implementing visitor methods for each Node type it is interested in.

By default, those visitor method should be named 'visit_' + class name of the node, converted to lower_case (ie: visit_search_node for a SearchNode class)[#tweakvisit]_.

It’s up to the visit method of each node to recursively call children (or not) It may be done simply by calling the generic_visit method.

By default the generic_visit, simply trigger visit of subnodes, yielding no information.

If the goal is to modify the initial tree, to get a new modified copy use TreeTranformer instead.


track_parents (bool) – if True the context will contain parents of current node as a list. It’s up to you to maintain this list in your own methods.

visit(tree, context=None)

Traversal of tree

  • tree (luqum.tree.Item) – a tree representing a lucene expression

  • context (dict) – a dict with initial values for context


the values in context, are not guaranteed to move up the hierachy, because we do copy of context for children to have specific values.

A trick you can use if you need values to move up the hierachy is to set a “global” key containing a dict, where you can store values.

visit_iter(node, context)

Basic, recursive traversal of the tree.

  • parents (list) – the list of parents

  • context (dict) – a dict of contextual variable for free use to track states while traversing the tree (eg. the current field name)

child_context(node, child, context, **kwargs)

Generate a context for children.

The context children is distinct from its parent context, so that visit in a branch does not affect others.


If you need global parameters, a trick is to put them in dict in a “global” entry as we do a swallow copy of context, and not a deep one.

Return dict

child context

generic_visit(node, context)

Default visitor function, called if nothing matches the current node.

It simply visit children.

  • node (luqum.tree.Item) – current node

  • context (dict) – context (aka local parameters received from parents)

class luqum.visitor.TreeTransformer(track_new_parents=False, **kwargs)

A version of TreeVisitor that is aimed at obtaining a transformed copy of tree.


It is far better to build a transformed copy, than to modify in place the original tree, as it is less error prone.


track_new_parents (bool) – do we want to track new parents in the context ?

visit(tree, context=None)

Visit the tree, by default building a copy and returning it.

  • tree (luqum.tree.Item) – luqum expression tree

  • context – optional initial context

child_context(node, child, context, **kwargs)

Generate a context for children.

The context children is distinct from its parent context, so that visit in a branch does not affect others.


If you need global parameters, a trick is to put them in dict in a “global” entry as we do a swallow copy of context, and not a deep one.

Return dict

child context

generic_visit(node, context)

Default visitor function, called if nothing matches the current node.

It simply clone node and children

clone_children(node, new_node, context)

Helper to clone children.


a children may generate more than one children or none, for flexibility but it’s up to the transformer to ensure everything is ok

class luqum.visitor.PathTrackingMixin

It can be useful to compute path of an element (as tuple of index in parent children)

This mixin provides base components

child_context(node, child, context, **kwargs)

Thanks to “path” and “position” in kwargs, we add the path of children

visit(node, context=None)

visit the tree while tracking their path

class luqum.visitor.PathTrackingVisitor(track_parents=False)

Path tracking version of TreeVisitor

generic_visit(node, context)

Default visitor function, called if nothing matches the current node.

It simply visit children.

  • node (luqum.tree.Item) – current node

  • context (dict) – context (aka local parameters received from parents)

class luqum.visitor.PathTrackingTransformer(track_new_parents=False, **kwargs)

Path tracking version of TreeTransformer

clone_children(node, new_node, context)

Helper to clone children.


a children may generate more than one children or none, for flexibility but it’s up to the transformer to ensure everything is ok

luqum.auto_head_tail: Automatic addition of spaces

It can be teadious to add spaces in a tree you generate programatically.

This module provide a utility to transform a tree so that it contains necessary head/tail for expression to be printable.

class luqum.auto_head_tail.AutoHeadTail(track_new_parents=False, **kwargs)

This class implements a transformer so that hand built tree, can have reasonable values for head and tail on their items, in order for the expression to be printable.

luqum.auto_head_tail.auto_head_tail = <luqum.auto_head_tail.AutoHeadTail object>

method to auto add head and tail to items of a lucene tree so that it is printable

luqum.pretty: Pretty printing

This module provides a pretty printer for lucene query tree.

class luqum.pretty.Prettifier(indent=4, max_len=80, inline_ops=False)

Class to generate a pretty printer.

luqum.pretty.prettify = <luqum.pretty.Prettifier object>

prettify function with default parameters

luqum.check: Checking for validity

class luqum.check.CheckNestedFields(nested_fields, object_fields=None, sub_fields=None)

Visit the lucene tree to make some checks

In particular to check nested fields.

  • nested_fields – a dict where keys are name of nested fields, values are dict of sub-nested fields or an empty dict for leaf

  • object_fields – this is either None, in which case unknown object fields will be accepted, or a dict of sub-nested fields (like nested_fields)

visit_phrase(node, context)

On phrase field, verify term is in a final search field

visit_search_field(node, context)

On search field node, check nested fields logic

visit_term(node, context)

On term field, verify term is in a final search field

class luqum.check.LuceneCheck(zeal=0)

Check if a query is consistent

This is intended to use with query constructed as tree, as well as those parsed by the parser, which is more tolerant.


zeal (int) – if zeal > 0 do extra check of some pitfalls, depending on zeal level


List all errors

luqum.utils: Misc

Various utilities for dealing with syntax trees.

Include base classes to implement a visitor pattern.

class luqum.utils.UnknownOperationResolver(resolve_to=None, add_head=' ')

Transform the UnknownOperation to OR or AND


alias of AndOperation

class luqum.utils.OpenRangeTransformer(merge_ranges=False, add_head=' ')

Transforms open ranges to normal Range objects, i.e.

>=foo            ->   [foo TO *]
<bar             ->   [* TO bar}

When merge_ranges is set, this also merges open ranges in AND clauses:

>foo AND <=bar              ->   {foo TO bar]
[foo TO *] AND [* TO bar]   ->   [foo TO bar]

The merging of open ranges is performed by collecting all open ranges, and merging any open range into any previously collected open range with an open bound. In other words, any open bounds are always merged into the first suitable. Additionally, matching is always done from left-to-right, so that this holds:

[a TO *] AND [b TO *] AND [* TO y] AND [* TO z]   ->   [a TO y] AND [b TO z]

Open ranges in OR and unknown clauses are not adjusted. Use :cls:`UnknownOperationResolver` to make sure that unknown operations are resolved first.

Ranges with none of the bounds set are left unadjusted. Additionally, the ranges must be direct siblings of the same parent. Ranges such as [foo TO *]^2 AND [* TO bar]^2 are therefore not merged (though ([foo TO *] AND [* TO bar])^2 would).


normalize nested_fields specification to only have nested dicts


nested_fields (dict) – dict contains fields that are nested in ES each nested fields contains either a dict of nested fields (if some of them are also nested) or a list of nesdted fields (this is for commodity)

>>> from unittest import TestCase
>>> TestCase().assertDictEqual(
...     normalize_nested_fields_specs(
...         {"author" : {"books": ["name", "ref"], "firstname" : None }}),
...     {"author" : {"books": {"name": {}, "ref": {}}, "firstname" : {} }})

normalize object_fields specification to only have a simple set


nested_fields (dict) – contains fields that are object in ES has a serie of nested dict. List are accepted as well for concisness.

>>> from unittest import TestCase
>>> flatten_nested_fields_specs(None)
>>> TestCase().assertEqual(
...     flatten_nested_fields_specs(["author.name", "book.title"]),
...     set(["author.name", "book.title"]))
>>> TestCase().assertEqual(
...     flatten_nested_fields_specs(
...         {"book" : { "author": ["firstname", "lastname"], "title" : None }}),
...     set(["book.author.firstname", "book.author.lastname", "book.title"]))

normalize object_fields specification to only have a simple set


object_fields (dict) – contains fields that are object in ES has a serie of nested dict. List are accepted as well for concisness. None, which means no spec, is returned as is.

>>> from unittest import TestCase
>>> normalize_object_fields_specs(None) is None
>>> TestCase().assertEqual(
...     normalize_object_fields_specs(["author.name", "book.title"]),
...     set(["author.name", "book.title"]))
>>> TestCase().assertEqual(
...     normalize_object_fields_specs(
...         {"book" : { "author": ["firstname", "lastname"], "title" : None }}),
...     set(["book.author.firstname", "book.author.lastname", "book.title"]))